Monday, July 13, 2009


The girls got their eviction notice last Sunday. They've since vacated the basement family room and are living full-time in their coop, albeit with their brooder. The brooder (an old pet rat cage) is in the coop with the door open, so they are free to come and go from the brooder into the main part of the coop as they please. They tend to get back in the brooder at night to sleep. Their food and water and main roost is still in the brooding cage, as is the concentration of warmth from the heat lamp. At five weeks of age, they are still at a constant 70°. They are enjoying having access to their run though, and from about 7:30am until 8:30pm, they have free access to the enclosed run attached to the coop. I think its safe to say they are enjoying their space! They are also, thankfully, outgrowing their awkward teenage years and are starting to look like chickens. I've noticed some new sounds coming from them as well, which sound more like chickens and less like chirping baby chicks. They're growing so fast!

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